Author: Pahinui
Donate NOW to Support Cyril Pahinui Festival 2021 ➝
2011 Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila shirts now available!
2011 Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila shirts are now available in our online store.
Again this year, we are committing to support fund raising efforts for the Hawai’i Museum of Music and Dance. This museum is a wonderful idea and needs all of our support to make it a reality.
Help us support the efforts of the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame to establish the Hawai‘I Museum of Music and Dance – a museum and performance center for Hawaiian music and hula. The Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame has set an initial goal of raising $2,000,000 for planning, design, and environmental study for this facility. The State has agreed to provide matching funds.
To this end, we have committed to donate $1 from each Gabby Pahinui Waimanalo Kanikapila t-shirt sold. A check for the donation will be presented to the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame at the 2010 Gabby Pahinui Waimānalo Kanikapila. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000.
With each one of your help this is possible!
Not only do you get a great limited edition t-shirt, your purchase also supports making a major contribution to the perpetuation of Hawai‘i’s musical heritage and helps to honor those who have contributed to Hawai’i’s unique musical voice and ensures the continuation of this annual festival honoring Gabby Pahinui and Waimanalo. Mahalo for your support! is ready to receive orders now.